Guava Puree

Guava Puree is a light pink colour product produced from 100% mature guavas. The product is entirely natural with no added colorants or flavourings. Mature guavas are washed and sorted before being crushed (milled). The pulp is refined and sterilized to produce an aseptic puree. The product is safe to use in juices or jams or in other applicable foodstuffs.
Brix Range
≥ 9 ⁰B ; 14/16 ⁰B ; 18°B
Fan Retief and Malherbe
Guava Juice
Fruit Juice drinks
Fruit Nectars
Baby Food
Fruit Rolls
Fruit Ice Cream
Guava Sauce
Fruit sweets
Dried Fruit Product
Flavouring (Spray dried and oil)
Fruit Desert
200 Litre Open top drums with lids.